Class Music in Schools
1st March 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
Reference for Lucy Legg
I am pleased to provide a reference for Ms Legg. I worked with Lucy during my time as headteacher at Canonbury Primary School in Islington. My background is in headship, LEA Advisory work, Ofsted inspection and currently I am self-employed as a tutor/assessor with Middlesex University.
Lucy was a delight to work with. She worked as a part time music teacher. Although Lucy taught predominantly in Key Stage 1 she took opportunities to work with EYFS and KS2. She was fully committed to the children and the wider school community. Whilst having high expectations of behaviour, progress and achievement, she made learning fun and the children in her care responded very well to her.
Lucy enjoyed a leading role in developing music in KS1 and managed all the KS1 musical events. She shaped the development of KS1 good practice in the teaching of music and was always willing to share good practice. Lucy worked closely with colleagues and her knowledge and imagination were appreciated. She was professional and reliable, taking all aspects of role seriously. Her paperwork, such as lesson planning, record keeping and reporting to parents, was well organised and on time.
The pupils enjoyed learning with Lucy and they made good progress. She was calm, clear and consistent, and determined that every child should have opportunities to develop their musical skills and appreciation. This was illustrated by the children’s enthusiastic participation in class lessons, assembly pieces and events for parents.
Lucy was a pleasure to work with, she was keen to discuss ideas, she was accommodating and flexible, all essential attributes when part of a team.
The parents thought highly of Lucy. They liked her manner and her high level of interest and concern for each child. She always had time for them, was honest and straight forward and, above all, always had the children’s interests at heart.
From my knowledge of Lucy I believe that she would offer professionalism, good skills and a caring relationship and that she would relish new opportunities that were offered to her.
Yours sincerely,
Gill Battarbee