Vocal Pedagogical Training Program with Raymond Connell
Reference from Vocal Pedagogical Training Program with Raymond Connell, Melbourne, Australia.
I am impressed with Ms. Legg’s breadth of knowledge and eagerness to develop as a performer and teacher of singing. She is a very capable teacher and has a very calm and encouraging demeanour. Students respond to her positively and she is able to progress their development healthily and solidly.
This fifty-hour course of training was specifically designed for Ms. Legg and her development as a performer and teacher of singing. Her training centred on the following:
•Physical Movement and Posture
•Breathing and Support
•Laryngeal function and Tonal balancing
•Resonance Creation and Balancing
•The Articulatory Mechanism and Lyric Diction
•Acoustics and Sound Perception
•Neurology of Sound-making
•Phonetics and Language
•Performance and Artistry
•Repertoire and Fach System
•Structuring Progressive Developmental Learning Techniques
•Structuring an Holistic Approach to Vocal Training
In addition Ms Legg undertook an anatomy for singers course at the University of Melbourne and studied with a leading Feldenkrais practitioner as part of her training program. She also observed over 70 hours of my work in my private studio and my teaching at the Victorian College of the Arts.
I understand that Ms. Legg is an active member of the British Voice Association where she is able to access the most current information from the leading authorities in their particular disciplines.
I have no hesitation in recommending Lucy Legg to you. I would be happy to be in touch with you in person should the need arise. Feel free to contact me via email on raymondconnell@mac.com